Trail running in alpine terrain - technique and tactics

Trail running in alpine terrain - technique and tactics

Intensive trail running day course in the Engadin in autumn

During a full day in the Upper Engadine, we will explore the trails in this unique landscape and combine an impressive trail run with lots of practical input on all relevant topics relating to trail running in the mountains. Alpine regions require foresighted planning and tactics to make the run a success, and we also give plenty of space to running technique in mountainous terrain.

  • We start at 9 am at a meeting point near St. Moritz, Samedan or Pontresina
  • Warm-up training and route briefing
  • Intensive technique training during a trail run
  • Individual feedback and practical exercises to specifically improve technique
  • Discussion of tactics and route planning for trail runs in the mountains
  • Course ends at around 5 pm back at the starting point



Key point

We walk on hiking trails with a maximum difficulty of T2 according to the SAC scale or on easy pathless terrain with no risk of falling.

Detail program

We start at 9 a.m. at a meeting point near St. Moritz, Samedan or Pontresina and begin the day with a light warm-up.

In our trail running technique course, for example, we cover the following topics:

  • Proper warm-up before the run
  • Tactical approach for trail runs in the mountains
  • Techniques for energy-saving uphill running
  • Economical use of trail running poles on trails
  • Learning an energy-saving running style on technical trails with stones or roots
  • Safe downhill running on changing surfaces
  • Trail running off paved trails in easy pathless terrain
  • Material and equipment for trail runs in the mountains
  • Tour planning (time required, elevation gain and distances)
  • Use of GPS devices/watches for orientation
  • Dealing with alpine dangers and raising the alarm in the event of accidents
  • Acclimatization tactics for trail runs at higher altitudes
  • Being a runner in grazing areas with suckler cows or herd protection dogs

One of the course objectives is to lay the foundations for the most economical running style possible in alpine terrain. You will receive regular, well-founded and individually tailored feedback during the day so that you can continue to improve.

The one-day course also serves as an assessment of your current position. You will be given all the tools you need to refine and improve your trail running technique independently or with a coach.

The course ends at around 5 p.m. back at the starting point.


The course takes place in the picturesque Engadin in the fall. Depending on the date of the course, the larches are already glowing in impressive yellow and orange colors, the paths are empty and the first snow is shimmering on the mountains. Thanks to the good public transport connections to many starting and finishing points, we are flexible in our choice of destination for the day and have unique opportunities to explore the impressive landscape of the Engadin on trails in every direction.


Clothing and shoes

  • Trail running shoes with soles for off-road terrain (road running shoes with smooth soles are not suitable)
  • Trail running rucksack, trail running vest or similar with space for weather protection and food
  • Optional: Lightweight trail running poles
  • Functional clothing for runs in different temperatures and weather conditions
  • Thin hat and gloves

Please keep in mind that we will be in alpine terrain in late summer or fall, where weather conditions can change quickly. You should therefore be prepared for sun and clouds, wind and rain in equal measure.


Please provide your own food and drink during the day. Carbohydrate-containing products such as energy bars and isotonic drinks are ideal, as well as other foods that you can store in your running backpack.


  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Identity card or passport
  • Cash

You will receive a detailed equipment list adapted to the expected conditions in good time before the start of the course.

Book your course now.

Intensive technique and tactics training for trail running in the mountains.

Booking overview

Trail running course EngadinIntensive technique and tactics training for trail running in the mountains.Sep 28, 2024(1 day)
CHF 159.00
TotalCHF 159.00